The Poet Sky


The changes I'm going through are many things

tough unknown stressful exciting good necessary difficult scary

Of all the things that these changes are there is one thing they are very much not

They are not about you

These changes are MINE to make They are what I need They are what is good What is right for me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Trans #SelfLove


I didn't understand at first I thought you were controlling That you worried too much That you didn't care

But now I see it You tried to guide me You were worried Because you did care

Now here we are After countless shouting matches After so many times I stormed off And none of that matters now

you worry you try to do everything you never stopped loving me you accept me as your daughter you always make sure I'm eating you always check in on me you care

That's why I love you That's why I'm proud to be your daughter That's why I'm proud to call you


#Poetry #Family #Love


When someone you love is sad there's only so much you can do to make them smile again

When someone you love is scared there's only so much you can do to chase away the demons

When somone you love is struggling there's only so much you can do to help them move forward

It's hard to accept your limits especially when it comes to helping a loved one You may not be able to fix it at all but what you can do every time

Be there Keep loving them Listen to their needs And eventually

That will be enough

#Poetry #Life #LifeAdvice


I don't deserve to be Miserable Crying in the corner Where no one will see

I don't deserve to be Excluded Ignored and left behind Without a thought

I don't deserve to be Alone Cast out and abandoned Time and time again

I deserve Love Warmth Kindness Acceptance Belonging Understanding Better

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #NoToxicity #SelfLove


When you plan for the worst You keep yourself safe but you risk closing yourself off from the best

There is so much to life and exploring it puts you at risk It's easy to get jaded and close yourself off

But when you live in the dark seeing danger everywhere you will never get to see the beauty in life

Expecting the worst might keep you alive But when you expect the best That's when you get to live

#Poetry #LifeAdvice #Anxiety


I have boundaries They are designed To keep me safe

I've learned them Through trial and error From times I've been hurt And had to heal To stay safe

If you cross one Without knowing I will forgive you Even if I need to take space To stay safe

If you ignore them Criticize me for them or shame me for them Then I will need a new one I will need to stay away from you To keep me safe

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare #NoToxicity


Tiny flower petals Drifting in the breeze Carrying with them some precious memories

Can you see them floating on my Traveling upon the passage of Time

Days come and go passing so fast One blink of an eye and the future becomes the past

Take a deep breath stay present and see Tiny flower petals drifting in the breeze

#Poetry #Life #Nature


My thoughts and feelings are valid and important I choose to express them to you

But you didn't ask about me or how I felt You discarded my words They meant nothing to you

So I'm finished I won't let you back in to my mind or my heart

If you won't listen to me Then I won't talk to you

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #Listening #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare


Life happens fast It hits hard, crushes us So sometimes you've gotta take a step back

This memo That message Those bills Do they need to be dealt with now? Or will they still be there?

It doesn't feel like it The constant pressure yells “DO IT NOW!” “THIS IS IMPORTANT!”

But you know what?

You are important So if you need a break Take one Because all of that life

It can wait

#Poetry #Life #SelfCare #LifeAdvice #YouAreImportant #Stress


I know what you did I know why you did it I've heard your side I've listened to what you felt And I understand

That doesn't mean it didn't hurt I'm okay with it it was right

It will take time to accept to heal to forgive

Now it's your turn to listen to know to understand

This is what's best for me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #Healing #SettingBoundaries