The Poet Sky


I fell to pieces Crushed under the weight of life

I didn't know what to do Lost Scared Alone

I wanted to end it all to give up to bleed my life away

But I am still here

I didn't carry on for anyone else to finish some project for the sake of responsibility

I am here

for ME

I am growing and I won't give up on that I am finally me And I will live to be me

I am beautiful and bright I am Sky Starlight

And I am still here

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Depression #MentalHealth #SelfLove #SkysPicks


Little mousegirl Alone in a big world searching for someone to hold

Scared mousegirl Monsters all around never knowing who to trust

Sad mousegirl Hurt by the monsters She's curled up crying her tears

Lonely mousegirl Cut off from the world kept locked up by her own fear

Kind mousegirl Always trusting no matter how many times she gets hurt

Happy mousegirl She found the good The warm, loving people with whom she belongs

#Poetry #Anxiety #Depression #Hope #SelfLove


All my life over and over people have told me that I'm not important

They ignored what I had to say Stayed ignorant of my feelings Refused to understand me Scolded me for talking about my problems

It wasn't everyone but it was enough people to make me feel like I didn't matter

It's so much easier to hold it all inside rather than facing that rejection from the ones I love

But I must remember that the people that love me...

Want me to share the things I love care about how I'm feeling work hard to understand me try to help with my problems

They care about me They love me And to them

I am important

#Poetry #SelfLove #Depression #MentalHealth #Loneliness #Insecurity #Kindness


One Year Ago

I found myself at my lowest point Barely keeping my head above water My brain screaming to give up But I held my head up long enough to take out my tools and fix it


It’s easy to focus on all the negatives on the misery on everything that’s missing


I don’t feel beautiful today I can barely get up and move Why bother pretending anymore? What am I trying to prove?


When an old toy breaks Even one I haven’t seen in years it feels like a part of me broke along with it


Dear Friend,

I know tonight you can’t keep it together I can hear you reciting reasons to carry on


Take a moment and tell yourself that you are enough that you love yourself


Dread rakes its claws through my brain Sowing the seeds of doubt Spreading terror through my mind reminding me that I don’t deserve this