The Poet Sky

Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I am hurting Even if you can't understand why Just let me be sad That's all I need from you To let me feel How I'm going to feel

Don't tell me about how other people have it worse than me Don't lecture me about being proper or using my manners I have these feelings Let me feel them

Let me cry

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SettingBoundaries


Some people have their act together easily handling everything Life throws at them

But you don't know what's going on behind the curtains inside their minds

They might be giving it their best guess struggling to keep it together for everyone else's sake

It's hard to not compare yourself to other people But do try to remember

that everyone's human no one's perfect and we're all just giving life

Our best guess

#Poetry #LifeAdvice #Life #Insecurity


Listening means Be present Be patient Be quiet

This is all I ask

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Listen


All my life over and over people have told me that I'm not important

They ignored what I had to say Stayed ignorant of my feelings Refused to understand me Scolded me for talking about my problems

It wasn't everyone but it was enough people to make me feel like I didn't matter

It's so much easier to hold it all inside rather than facing that rejection from the ones I love

But I must remember that the people that love me...

Want me to share the things I love care about how I'm feeling work hard to understand me try to help with my problems

They care about me They love me And to them

I am important

#Poetry #SelfLove #Depression #MentalHealth #Loneliness #Insecurity #Kindness


You made an image and gave it my name You tried to capture me but it wasn't quite right

When you learned this you got angry “Why isn't she like this?” You asked yourself And you took it out on me

You never loved me You loved an image of me That you made up

That's not my fault

I'm kind and snarky Loving and anxious Flirty and cuddly And so much more That you will never know Unless you get to know me instead of that image In your head

Know all of me Accept all of me Love all of me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Love #AcceptingOthers


We were built differently We work in ways that so many don't understand So they called us names

Weird Creepy Disgusting Wrong Broken Burden

They said those words Over and over and over Until we believed them We started calling ourselves that

But they're wrong We are not broken We are not burdens No, we are

Kind Trusting Loving Silly Beautiful Special Different

If they can keep saying all those mean words Then why can't we say all those kind words?

Let's use new words to describe who we really are And keep using them over and over again until we believe them

#Poetry #Insecurity #Hope #MentalHealth


The changes I'm going through are many things

tough unknown stressful exciting good necessary difficult scary

Of all the things that these changes are there is one thing they are very much not

They are not about you

These changes are MINE to make They are what I need They are what is good What is right for me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Trans #SelfLove



Y'all might've noticed that there was no poem this morning. I've been very busy lately, so I haven't had a ton of time to write.

But rest assured, I'm going to get back to it, and the Monday poems will continue as planned, as they are scheduled through the next few months.

Thank you all so much for your understanding. I love you all!


I didn't understand at first I thought you were controlling That you worried too much That you didn't care

But now I see it You tried to guide me You were worried Because you did care

Now here we are After countless shouting matches After so many times I stormed off And none of that matters now

you worry you try to do everything you never stopped loving me you accept me as your daughter you always make sure I'm eating you always check in on me you care

That's why I love you That's why I'm proud to be your daughter That's why I'm proud to call you


#Poetry #Family #Love


When someone you love is sad there's only so much you can do to make them smile again

When someone you love is scared there's only so much you can do to chase away the demons

When somone you love is struggling there's only so much you can do to help them move forward

It's hard to accept your limits especially when it comes to helping a loved one You may not be able to fix it at all but what you can do every time

Be there Keep loving them Listen to their needs And eventually

That will be enough

#Poetry #Life #LifeAdvice


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