There are people that want
to take my right to live
to erase people like me
to force me to live in misery
I know they aren't all evil
But they don't want to understand me
And they do want to control me
So how can I trust them?
Especially when
They bully me into compliance
Threaten me into hiding
Force me to follow their rules
But one thing they will never do
is make me give up
I refuse
No matter what else they take from me
they will never take my hope
my will to fight
I refuse
When they try to smother me
I will scream out louder
When they try to keep me down
I will rise up stronger
When they try to break my spirit
I will refuse to give up
#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination #Hope #Trans #TransRights
We don't belong here
They don't want us
They won't accept us
Even though it's all we know
We can keep trying
Changing ourselves to fit in
But when I do that
I suffocate
I want to be me
So I'm going to find a place
Where I belong
Even if I have to make it myself
I'd like it if you were there too
The outcasts, the misfits
We have our own place somewhere
And we'll get there
One day
#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Trans #Autism #AcceptingOthers
I took a hit
and at first
I needed to stay down
to recover
I stayed curled up
crying from the pain
but my tears have stopped
even if the pain hasn't
I can get back up
struggling to stand
and look the enemy in the eye
so they know I won't stay down forever
What everyone needs to understand
is that I'm fighting for my dreams
sometimes, I need to stay down
but I will always get back up
Because I will never give up
#Poetry #Resilience #Hope #TouchTheClouds
I want to be kind
to offer others a hand
without fear
that they're using me
I want to be vulnerable
to let others know they're not alone
without worrying
that others will use it against me
I want to be at peace
unafraid of the world around me
not wondering
who it's safe to trust
This world doesn't exist yet
but maybe one day, it will
One day
We'll all love one another
Share kindness without fear
or attempting to gain something
One day
We'll all trust one another
feel safe together
and know it's gonna be okay
One day, we'll get there
One day
#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Dreams #Kindness
Will this next step make things better?
Will it get me closer to my dreams?
Will it shatter them?
Will it destroy my hope?
I don't know
It's easier to not take it
To hold onto the hope
instead of risking losing it
to clutch it for dear life
I don't know
But what I do know
If I don't take that step
my dreams will never come true
I'll stay in the same place forever
wondering what could've been
Yeah, I'm scared
of course I am
but my dreams are worth it
so I've got to try
#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination
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