The Poet Sky


There are people that want to take my right to live to erase people like me to force me to live in misery

I know they aren't all evil But they don't want to understand me And they do want to control me So how can I trust them?

Especially when They bully me into compliance Threaten me into hiding Force me to follow their rules

But one thing they will never do is make me give up

I refuse

No matter what else they take from me they will never take my hope my will to fight

I refuse

When they try to smother me I will scream out louder

When they try to keep me down I will rise up stronger

When they try to break my spirit I will refuse to give up

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination #Hope #Trans #TransRights


Will this next step make things better? Will it get me closer to my dreams? Will it shatter them? Will it destroy my hope?

I don't know

It's easier to not take it To hold onto the hope instead of risking losing it to clutch it for dear life

I don't know

But what I do know

If I don't take that step my dreams will never come true I'll stay in the same place forever wondering what could've been

Yeah, I'm scared of course I am but my dreams are worth it so I've got to try

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination


Fear follows me Nipping at my heels whispering all the reasons to run away and hide

She has her reasons I know they're valid The world can be cruel I've lived that reality

What has that caution cost me? A lifetime of hiding away of being anyone except me of being lonely and miserable

I'm tired of hiding I'm tired of letting Fear stop me I'm tired of lying to myself No more

Yes, I am afraid Yes, there are reasons to be But I won't let Fear stop me from being me

#Poetry #Fear #Encouragement #Hope #Determination


With your trauma you devoured my love With your narrative you silenced my voice With your self-hate you killed my self-love


With my will I cut you out With my words I revive my self-love With my wings I fly away free

Because my light is stronger than your darkness

#Poetry #SelfLove #Resilience #Determination


When we started it felt hopeless but we kept moving forward and tried our best


On the ground I lie my wings, broken and bloody My flame is going out as I let the darkness take me


I’m falling apart moments from tears but I will still find the strength for a smile


Sinking, struggling Trying to stay afloat I want so badly to close my eyes let it all go dark and give up


Even on the days when everything goes wrong Keep going forward We’ll all help you be strong


A weight has fallen on my mind Strapped in, stopping me thinking I want to write joyous, uplifting words But sometimes, I simply can't