The Poet Sky


There will always be people that tell you that your dreams are wrong that you're not allowed to want something no matter how much joy it brings you

They don't care about your feelings Only in holding shut the doors to their minds Building cliffs of ignorance all around them So they will never understand

Ignore them

Keep fighting for your dreams Do it in spite of them Scale the cliffs of ignorance Exist to show them they don't decide what's right for you

And when you're standing atop the mountain beaming with joy and pride They'll be at the bottom Grumbling and groaning in their misery

Stand tall Stand proud And never let anyone else decide what dreams you're allowed to have

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Ignorance #Resilience #Determination


I took a hit and at first I needed to stay down to recover

I stayed curled up crying from the pain but my tears have stopped even if the pain hasn't

I can get back up struggling to stand and look the enemy in the eye so they know I won't stay down forever

What everyone needs to understand is that I'm fighting for my dreams sometimes, I need to stay down but I will always get back up

Because I will never give up

#Poetry #Resilience #Hope #TouchTheClouds


With your trauma you devoured my love With your narrative you silenced my voice With your self-hate you killed my self-love


With my will I cut you out With my words I revive my self-love With my wings I fly away free

Because my light is stronger than your darkness

#Poetry #SelfLove #Resilience #Determination