The Poet Sky


There are people that want to take my right to live to erase people like me to force me to live in misery

I know they aren't all evil But they don't want to understand me And they do want to control me So how can I trust them?

Especially when They bully me into compliance Threaten me into hiding Force me to follow their rules

But one thing they will never do is make me give up

I refuse

No matter what else they take from me they will never take my hope my will to fight

I refuse

When they try to smother me I will scream out louder

When they try to keep me down I will rise up stronger

When they try to break my spirit I will refuse to give up

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination #Hope #Trans #TransRights


Mirror, Mirror, what do I see? My own self-loathing reflected back at me I've changed so much, and yet all I do is look in you and fret My face isn't the same at all I'm even learning how to walk tall but I can only see what I believe: this self-doubt that never wants to leave So I'll repeat day after day the affirmations I've learned to say in the hopes that I'll make it real that it will become the way I feel I'll cast away these feelings blue the feelings, Mirror, Mirror, I can't hide from you

#Poetry #Insecurity #Trans #Hope


I took a hit and at first I needed to stay down to recover

I stayed curled up crying from the pain but my tears have stopped even if the pain hasn't

I can get back up struggling to stand and look the enemy in the eye so they know I won't stay down forever

What everyone needs to understand is that I'm fighting for my dreams sometimes, I need to stay down but I will always get back up

Because I will never give up

#Poetry #Resilience #Hope #TouchTheClouds


Little mousegirl Alone in a big world searching for someone to hold

Scared mousegirl Monsters all around never knowing who to trust

Sad mousegirl Hurt by the monsters She's curled up crying her tears

Lonely mousegirl Cut off from the world kept locked up by her own fear

Kind mousegirl Always trusting no matter how many times she gets hurt

Happy mousegirl She found the good The warm, loving people with whom she belongs

#Poetry #Anxiety #Depression #Hope #SelfLove


We were built differently We work in ways that so many don't understand So they called us names

Weird Creepy Disgusting Wrong Broken Burden

They said those words Over and over and over Until we believed them We started calling ourselves that

But they're wrong We are not broken We are not burdens No, we are

Kind Trusting Loving Silly Beautiful Special Different

If they can keep saying all those mean words Then why can't we say all those kind words?

Let's use new words to describe who we really are And keep using them over and over again until we believe them

#Poetry #Insecurity #Hope #MentalHealth


Sometimes Life hits HARD too fast to react too strong to take too much to bear and I have to stop and rest When I do I realize I wasn't ready Life was worse than I thought it'd be

It's so easy to become jaded to assume Life will always be this bad

Sometimes Life surprises me it's soft and calming, gentle and kind, warm and loving Life is looking out for me I realize Life was better than I thought it'd be

It's so hard to take Life one day at a time But I still have those moments of kindness to remind me

That Life isn't always as bad As I thought it'd be

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Life #Hope


I'm afraid of the storm clouds The chaos The darkness The uncertainty

But for the sake of the sun Her light Her love Her hope

I won't let that fear Stop me

#Poetry #Hope #Fear #Nature


I step into the sunlight Finally free of the clouds I'm no longer suffering I can take a breath of fresh air Now, I can look up at the sky And know that I share her beauty I shed the skin of a man so I can shine with the heart of a woman

#Poetry #Spring #Trans #Hope


Fear follows me Nipping at my heels whispering all the reasons to run away and hide

She has her reasons I know they're valid The world can be cruel I've lived that reality

What has that caution cost me? A lifetime of hiding away of being anyone except me of being lonely and miserable

I'm tired of hiding I'm tired of letting Fear stop me I'm tired of lying to myself No more

Yes, I am afraid Yes, there are reasons to be But I won't let Fear stop me from being me

#Poetry #Fear #Encouragement #Hope #Determination


It’s easy to run away It’s hard to stand up and speak Finding shelter feels safer Even when it makes you feel weak