The Poet Sky


I need words Full of love and praise

I need time To laugh To cry To talk To be heard

I need affection The warm touch Of one I love

These are my needs It's valid to express them And they are important

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SelfLove


When I reach the end of a long day I can lay down and rest

I don't need to earn it I only need to be tired to allow myself to rest

I don't need to push myself beyond my limits I can simply lay my head down and rest

I won't forget that I always need my rest

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #Rest


My body was made producing the wrong chemicals poisoning the person I am

This isn't a choice The choice was to put the correct chemicals in my body to make me the person I am

There's nothing wrong I'm just different I am beautiful I can see that now I can love the person I am

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Trans #SelfLove


Even if I change myself exaggerating or muting parts to be accepted I have no guarantee that people won't reject me anyway

So why not be


I will spend my whole life with myself so it's more important that I love me than if other people love me

I'll be myself always and learn to love all of me If I've got to spend my whole life with someone I think it's best if I love her

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #BeMyself #SelfLove


This is a boundary No, I won't explain it It exists because of trauma Severe pain inflicted time and time again

This is a want No, I won't explain it It exists because of me I've listened and learned time and time again

This is a need No, I won't explain it It exists because of life Years lived Feelings hurt time and time again

Sometimes, they may shift Moving as I reassess them They're mine to have You are not involved in making them So you do not need to understand

You need to respect them Because if you can't respect my boundaries my wants my needs Then I can't be around you

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare


I am hurting Even if you can't understand why Just let me be sad That's all I need from you To let me feel How I'm going to feel

Don't tell me about how other people have it worse than me Don't lecture me about being proper or using my manners I have these feelings Let me feel them

Let me cry

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SettingBoundaries


Listening means Be present Be patient Be quiet

This is all I ask

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Listen


You made an image and gave it my name You tried to capture me but it wasn't quite right

When you learned this you got angry “Why isn't she like this?” You asked yourself And you took it out on me

You never loved me You loved an image of me That you made up

That's not my fault

I'm kind and snarky Loving and anxious Flirty and cuddly And so much more That you will never know Unless you get to know me instead of that image In your head

Know all of me Accept all of me Love all of me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Love #AcceptingOthers


The changes I'm going through are many things

tough unknown stressful exciting good necessary difficult scary

Of all the things that these changes are there is one thing they are very much not

They are not about you

These changes are MINE to make They are what I need They are what is good What is right for me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Trans #SelfLove


I don't deserve to be Miserable Crying in the corner Where no one will see

I don't deserve to be Excluded Ignored and left behind Without a thought

I don't deserve to be Alone Cast out and abandoned Time and time again

I deserve Love Warmth Kindness Acceptance Belonging Understanding Better

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #NoToxicity #SelfLove