The Poet Sky


I was a broken toy Cast aside by so many people Whenever they'd pick me up, I'd smile and hope they'd accept me But they never did

Over time, I learned that I was no good to anyone No one wanted me I could only look forward to being thrown away

Then one day, you came along Picked me up and looked me over And said, “She's not broken, She just needs a little love.”

You took me home You cared for me and loved me And showed me that I wasn't broken That all those other people were wrong I did just need a little love

It might be a long time before I really believe it but we've got plenty of time So thank you for giving me A little love

#Poetry #Love #Kindness #AcceptingOthers


A small smile can make all the difference

That tiny ray of light might not seem like much to a world full of sunshine but to a world shrouded in shadow it means everything

Just a small smile

There's no way to tell who needs a smile so why not give them to everyone?

Just a simple smile

So let's hand them out to everyone we see and make the world a brighter place

#Poetry #Kindness


All my life over and over people have told me that I'm not important

They ignored what I had to say Stayed ignorant of my feelings Refused to understand me Scolded me for talking about my problems

It wasn't everyone but it was enough people to make me feel like I didn't matter

It's so much easier to hold it all inside rather than facing that rejection from the ones I love

But I must remember that the people that love me...

Want me to share the things I love care about how I'm feeling work hard to understand me try to help with my problems

They care about me They love me And to them

I am important

#Poetry #SelfLove #Depression #MentalHealth #Loneliness #Insecurity #Kindness


Free compliments! Right here, just go ahead and take one No need to be shy, they're completely free

You're pretty You're smart You're handsome You're doing a great job

See, it's easy to compliment someone Find something you like about them Even if it's something small, there's something there We all need more compliments

You see, there are so many people out there that don't know how to take a compliment because they've never been given one or they received the same ones over and over again and don't believe there's anything more to them

So please, take a compliment Let it build you up and when you're finished with it Be sure to pass it on

#Poetry #Love #Kindness


I walk through life taking careful steps because I always do my best to be kind

I don't expect it from others but I still watch out for it because I can always do more to be kind

When I experience kindness especially a brand new sort I remember that new way to be kind

Because I know that random bits of kindness can brighten anyone's day so I'll keep learning and do my very best to be kind

#Poetry #Kindness #Life


We're told all our life That the rain is miserable and dreary That no one really loves her Of her, we're supposed to be weary


It’s hard to be you to be honest, be true when people want you to change when they only see you as strange


You can live your whole life without making it into a single history book And that's okay


I wish you could feel about yourself the way I feel about you You’d always smile, because you’d see the joy you spread all around


Your future was bright and shining Your smiles big and beaming But then you messed up and now there’s a voice That keeps yelling and screaming