I've been
abused tricked
abandoned ostracized
is how trauma
is made
No matter what
anyone else says
I have trauma
I don't ask for pity
or admiration
I'm already
taking care of myself
For you see
Despite my trauma
I am still beautiful
I am still worthy
I am still enough
I am still sparkling
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfLove #Healing
Have you ever looked
at the stars in the sky
and wondered what's up there
moving and zooming about?
Have you ever looked
at the knots on a tree
and wondered if creatures
could be nestled among them?
Have you ever looked
at the blades of grass in a field
and wondered what civilizations
could be calling them home?
Have you ever looked
into what we call reality
and dared to dream
of what could be?
#Poetry #Nature #Peace #Imagination
I need words
of love
and praise
I need time
To laugh
To cry
To talk
To be heard
I need affection
The warm touch
Of one
I love
are my needs
It's valid
to express them
And they
are important
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SelfLove
Little mousegirl
Alone in a big world
searching for someone
to hold
Scared mousegirl
Monsters all around
never knowing
who to trust
Sad mousegirl
Hurt by the monsters
She's curled up
crying her tears
Lonely mousegirl
Cut off from the world
kept locked up
by her own fear
Kind mousegirl
Always trusting
no matter how many times
she gets hurt
Happy mousegirl
She found the good
The warm, loving people
with whom she belongs
#Poetry #Anxiety #Depression #Hope #SelfLove
When I reach
the end
of a long day
I can lay down
and rest
I don't need
to earn it
I only need
to be tired
to allow myself
to rest
I don't need
to push myself
beyond my limits
I can simply
lay my head down
and rest
I won't forget
that I always need
my rest
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #Rest
My body was made
producing the wrong chemicals
the person
I am
This isn't a choice
The choice
was to put the correct chemicals
in my body
to make me
the person
I am
There's nothing wrong
I'm just different
I am beautiful
I can see that now
I can love
the person
I am
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Trans #SelfLove
I was a broken toy
Cast aside by so many people
Whenever they'd pick me up,
I'd smile and hope they'd accept me
But they never did
Over time, I learned
that I was no good to anyone
No one wanted me
I could only look forward
to being thrown away
Then one day, you came along
Picked me up and looked me over
And said,
“She's not broken,
She just needs a little love.”
You took me home
You cared for me and loved me
And showed me that I wasn't broken
That all those other people were wrong
I did just need a little love
It might be a long time
before I really believe it
but we've got plenty of time
So thank you for giving me
A little love
#Poetry #Love #Kindness #AcceptingOthers
Even if I change myself
exaggerating or muting parts
to be accepted
I have no guarantee
that people won't reject me anyway
So why not be
I will spend my whole life with myself
so it's more important
that I love me
than if other people love me
I'll be myself always
and learn to love all of me
If I've got to spend my whole life with someone
I think it's best
if I love her
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #BeMyself #SelfLove
When we met
it was all so new
But where I saw fear
You saw hope
You said it'd be okay
that no matter what,
I was loved
And I was glad
I have new friends
Because you told me
it was okay to accept them
To let them help me
I got to know you
I came to love you
And for a time
I got to have a best friend again
Now you're gone forever
And all I've got left
are my memories of you
And the hope you gave me
I'll never forget you
I'll use the lessons you taught me
In your brief time in this world
to help others like you
And in the end
even though I cry every day
I'm GLAD I met you
and I wouldn't change it for the world
#Poetry #Loss #Love
This is a boundary
No, I won't explain it
It exists because of trauma
Severe pain
time and time again
This is a want
No, I won't explain it
It exists because of me
I've listened
and learned
time and time again
This is a need
No, I won't explain it
It exists because of life
Years lived
Feelings hurt
time and time again
Sometimes, they may shift
Moving as I reassess them
They're mine to have
You are not involved in making them
So you do not need to understand
You need to respect them
Because if you can't respect
my boundaries
my wants
my needs
Then I can't be around you
#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare