The Poet Sky

Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I'm afraid of the storm clouds The chaos The darkness The uncertainty

But for the sake of the sun Her light Her love Her hope

I won't let that fear Stop me

#Poetry #Hope #Fear #Nature


Today my mind is for ME

Not the world's problems Not my friends' problems Not my loved ones' problems ME

They are all so important But if I worry about them I'll be consumed By tending those flowers I'll forget all about my own

It's not that I don't care It's that I DO care too much

So today my mind is for me I'll take my time Focus on being me And taking care of me And loving ME

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #CareTooMuch #SelfCare


UPDATE: There was a miscommunication between me and Muck Duck's owner. Queer Voices isn't an open mic. Same time, same place, but just me and two other performers. The event page, including tickets, is here.

On June 6th, from 6-9pm EST, I will be hosting Muck Duck's Queer Voices Open Mic!

The event will allow members of the queer community to get up and share stories, thoughts, jokes, songs, poems, anything they want. Many of us have been pushed down or silenced, so this is us doing our part to help raise up those voices.

Allies are welcome to attend, but not to speak. Please leave that to those of us that have been unable to have a platform. But you can help by spreading the word and coming by to hear from your queer friends. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two. And check out more of Muck Duck's events at their website.

Hope to see you there, friend!



Rose is gonna be a bit late this month. It's been a very busy month for me, but she will return in the next few days with a brand new art style.

Until then, enjoy some pictures of her in her new art style.

Rose the Rainbow Mouse waving a rainbow pride flag. (This one will almost certainly be turned into a sticker that you can buy on my Ko-Fi page )

Rose the Rainbow Mouse and her teacher, a taller brown mouse.  Her teacher is hugging her as Rose cries.  Below are the words "It hurts when they laugh and push you away.  It hurts when they don't listen to what you have to say.  I was different, just like you.  But there's nothing wrong with me, or with you.

See you soon, friend!



I step into the sunlight Finally free of the clouds I'm no longer suffering I can take a breath of fresh air Now, I can look up at the sky And know that I share her beauty I shed the skin of a man so I can shine with the heart of a woman

#Poetry #Spring #Trans #Hope


When I look at a flower I see past her petals I see a seed that grew from nothing beat the harsh indifference of nature grew into a beautiful array of color

She gives others hope She's a token of love and loss Of new beginnings One of many performers in the great symphony of nature

That's what I see That's how my mind works Seeing a piece of the world that only I will ever see

I'm like that flower Blooming with my unique colors Daring to be different And that is a wonderful thing

That is what I see when I look at me

#Poetry #SelfLove #MyBeautifulSky


The wonderful thing about Sky She's a wonderful, wonderful thing Her heart's made of stardust Her soul's made of spring She's a kind and loving, warm and caring beautiful magical girl! But the most wonderful thing about Sky is she's the only one in the world!

#Poetry #SelfLove


One of the many tools I have available to me is the breath in my body

With a deep breath I can return to center Calm my mind Restore my energy

I know No matter how scared or angry or stressed out I happen to be

I can take a breath Hold it Let it out Hold it

Return to center Return to stability

And everything will be okay

#Poetry #Life #Calm #MyBeautifulSky


This family taught me how to love with my whole heart without exception or condition without ending or faltering

This family taught me how to accept those who are the same those who are different those who I can't even understand

This family has always been here for me no matter the circumstances no matter my mistakes or faults no matter how I change and grow

This family will be a part of me forever until the end of my life until the end of time until everything fades away

I love This Family I accept This Family I will be there for This Family I will be a part of This Family


#Poetry #Family #Love


Why must they hate us? We only want to be ourselves To exist honestly To show who we are We choose our names We tell people what to call us Yet they refuse They insist that they know better But they don't How can anyone know us better than ourselves? Why must we be afraid To introduce ourselves To wear the clothes we want To have the bodies that make us comfortable That's all we want To exist To be who we are Why is that so much? Why?

#Poetry #Trans #MyBeautifulSky


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