The Poet Sky

Poetry for people who could use a little kindness

I don't understand I can't I'm not you I haven't lived your life But I will support you


It’ll take days, months, years To search and discover who you are You may find out in your backyard Or you may have to travel quite far


When the world Crashes around you Taking deep breaths Is the only way to survive


I know you think I don’t know you That the version I see is a lie That you can never change or grow No matter how hard you try


I could always talk as much as I wanted so long as I pet you while I did

You were always excited the second I got home and watched out the door while you waited for me

In a lifetime of feeling cast out I always had a place in your heart Good or bad days, it didn't matter You loved me just the same

I never had to be more than just your human And I never wanted you to be more than just my dog

Listen to this poem

Me and Jai Me and Jai

#Poetry #Love #JaiPoem


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You can’t always see the light you wield How brightly it shines how far it reaches


This is my home These are my people I will do what I can To keep them safe

I will care for them When they're sick Sit with them Until they feel better

I will stand guard When needed Protect them From the rest of the world

Everyone will know That this is my home These are my people And I will protect them


Jai guarding my room Jai guarding my room

#Poetry #Loyalty #JaiPoem


Through all of life’s hardships through loss, pain, and heartbreak Do your best to be your best even when your heart and soul ache


Whatcha doing? Can I help? Well, can I sit with you then? I want to be close to you

Who's your friend? Can I snuggle with you two? They must be a good person So I want to be their friend too

Are you sick? I'll stay close by So I can be there for you Because I want to help

I need to be involved I always need to be close So that you always know How much I love you

Hey Grandma, whatcha doing?

#Poetry #Love #JaiPoem


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