Time to Let Go
I've held on to so much for so long
So much pain So much regret So much resentment
I never knew how to let go But it's time That I start learning
Deep breaths Open my hands Let go
It's finally time To let it all go
I've held on to so much for so long
So much pain So much regret So much resentment
I never knew how to let go But it's time That I start learning
Deep breaths Open my hands Let go
It's finally time To let it all go
We can hear them laughing For me, it was a lifetime ago For you, it's happening right now
We all mess up We’ve all done something wrong And when we hurt someone the pain digs in and stays for very long
Mistakes are inevitable You can’t avoid or escape them They are the foundation of your growth You are a flower, they are your stem
Injury invisible to others hindering your ability to be who you were
When someone stabs a knife full of ignorance and hate right into your heart it’s okay to want to stab back
You got lost and confused In your chaos, you messed up The only thing to do now is to own it and fess up
There was a time when friends for whom you cared drifted away, making you think “I am forgettable”
When life crashes around you And all you can see is destruction Take a deep breath and start moving on
Sometimes, people let you down They make a bad choice They change into someone they weren’t They slip back into old habits