The Poet Sky


It's hard to accept that the body I want is still a long way off That my transformation is far from complete

Every day, I struggle feeling disgusted as though my body is covered in a foul smelling slime that I can never wash away

But I carry on finding joy in every new day always looking to a future when I don't fees this way anymore when I finally feel like me

One day I will have a body in which I'm comfortable

One day I will smile at my reflection

One day I won't shudder when I think of myself

One day

One day

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Trans #Hope #Dreams


This world pushes work onto us telling us to forget our dreams our passions and toil away to make money

Our loves get lost in the shuffle maybe it's art or movies songs poetry travel surfing dance

Whatever you love go out and do it don't let this world take that away from you

Our love drives us without it this world would be terrible dark, lifeless


So remember love is life

Go out

Go love

Go live

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Love #Life #Dreams


There will always be people that tell you that your dreams are wrong that you're not allowed to want something no matter how much joy it brings you

They don't care about your feelings Only in holding shut the doors to their minds Building cliffs of ignorance all around them So they will never understand

Ignore them

Keep fighting for your dreams Do it in spite of them Scale the cliffs of ignorance Exist to show them they don't decide what's right for you

And when you're standing atop the mountain beaming with joy and pride They'll be at the bottom Grumbling and groaning in their misery

Stand tall Stand proud And never let anyone else decide what dreams you're allowed to have

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Ignorance #Resilience #Determination


There are people that want to take my right to live to erase people like me to force me to live in misery

I know they aren't all evil But they don't want to understand me And they do want to control me So how can I trust them?

Especially when They bully me into compliance Threaten me into hiding Force me to follow their rules

But one thing they will never do is make me give up

I refuse

No matter what else they take from me they will never take my hope my will to fight

I refuse

When they try to smother me I will scream out louder

When they try to keep me down I will rise up stronger

When they try to break my spirit I will refuse to give up

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination #Hope #Trans #TransRights


We don't belong here They don't want us They won't accept us Even though it's all we know

We can keep trying Changing ourselves to fit in But when I do that I suffocate

I want to be me So I'm going to find a place Where I belong Even if I have to make it myself

I'd like it if you were there too The outcasts, the misfits We have our own place somewhere And we'll get there

One day

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Trans #Autism #AcceptingOthers


I took a hit and at first I needed to stay down to recover

I stayed curled up crying from the pain but my tears have stopped even if the pain hasn't

I can get back up struggling to stand and look the enemy in the eye so they know I won't stay down forever

What everyone needs to understand is that I'm fighting for my dreams sometimes, I need to stay down but I will always get back up

Because I will never give up

#Poetry #Resilience #Hope #TouchTheClouds


I want to be kind to offer others a hand without fear that they're using me

I want to be vulnerable to let others know they're not alone without worrying that others will use it against me

I want to be at peace unafraid of the world around me not wondering who it's safe to trust

This world doesn't exist yet but maybe one day, it will

One day We'll all love one another Share kindness without fear or attempting to gain something

One day We'll all trust one another feel safe together and know it's gonna be okay

One day, we'll get there

One day

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Dreams #Kindness


Will this next step make things better? Will it get me closer to my dreams? Will it shatter them? Will it destroy my hope?

I don't know

It's easier to not take it To hold onto the hope instead of risking losing it to clutch it for dear life

I don't know

But what I do know

If I don't take that step my dreams will never come true I'll stay in the same place forever wondering what could've been

Yeah, I'm scared of course I am but my dreams are worth it so I've got to try

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Determination


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