The Poet Sky


My thoughts and feelings are valid and important I choose to express them to you

But you didn't ask about me or how I felt You discarded my words They meant nothing to you

So I'm finished I won't let you back in to my mind or my heart

If you won't listen to me Then I won't talk to you

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #Listening #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare


Life happens fast It hits hard, crushes us So sometimes you've gotta take a step back

This memo That message Those bills Do they need to be dealt with now? Or will they still be there?

It doesn't feel like it The constant pressure yells “DO IT NOW!” “THIS IS IMPORTANT!”

But you know what?

You are important So if you need a break Take one Because all of that life

It can wait

#Poetry #Life #SelfCare #LifeAdvice #YouAreImportant #Stress


For such a long time I'd go somewhere I didn't feel comfortable for the sake of others

For such a long time I'd stay when I was tired Pushing myself to be happy for the sake of others

For such a long time I'd burn myself out Never getting what I wanted for the sake of others

Now I listen to and take care of myself I recognized my own limits and say no for the sake of me

#Poetry #SelfLove #Boundaries #SelfCare


It has taken years and years and years To see myself As more than my mistakes To love myself Despite the times I didn't think I didn't know I didn't understand

If that is all YOU see If you cannot accept That I am NOT perfect Then all YOU are doing is holding ME back

and I deserve so much better

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #SelfCare


I've held on to so much for so long

So much pain So much regret So much resentment

I never knew how to let go But it's time That I start learning

Deep breaths Open my hands Let go

It's finally time To let it all go

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #MovingOn


Today my mind is for ME

Not the world's problems Not my friends' problems Not my loved ones' problems ME

They are all so important But if I worry about them I'll be consumed By tending those flowers I'll forget all about my own

It's not that I don't care It's that I DO care too much

So today my mind is for me I'll take my time Focus on being me And taking care of me And loving ME

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #CareTooMuch #SelfCare


It's okay to simply exist no matter what anyone else insists. I am valid, I am fine It's my time to spend, mine So I'll spend it resting if I choose After all, I've got nothing to lose by ignoring the grind outside And right now, I'd rather be resting inside I'll take my time until I'm ready to say “Okay. Now it's time to take on the day.”

#Poetry #Life #SelfCare


I will listen to all of your problems offer support the best I can but you must understand that there will be a point at which I reach my limits and I must take care of myself

It is possible to care for you while caring for me and I will find that balance so long as you are fighting your fight too I will not be the only soldier in your army

I will follow you as long as you lead I will help you without doing it for you I will love you while loving myself

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SelfLove #CareTooMuch


I don't control how anyone else FEELS I don't control what anyone else DOES

They can choose how they feel about me They can choose how they want to treat me

My actions might HURT them might UPSET them might ANGER them but that wasn't my intent I did what I thought was right for me

I control me Only me Their feelings good or bad are theirs They are not my responsibility

I am responsible only for me

#Poetry #CareTooMuch #SelfCare #MyBeautifulSky


I'm not alone Not at all There are so MANY people Friends Loved ones Who are there for me if I need them I only need to ask

it's only me walking My journey is only about me I am important So I will take time to care about only me

There will be time to help others later in my journey There will be time for their problems when I am ready

Until then I will reserve my strength to make sure that I have what I need to care for me

#Poetry #SelfCare #Life #MyBeautifulSky