I know you can't hear me
But I want to tell you
What lies ahead
For us
People won't understand you
They'll label you as troublesome
They'll keep telling you to try harder
They'll make you angry
because they think it's funny
They'll cast you out
And drift away
And you will feel like there's nowhere
that you can belong
You'll twist yourself into a bizarre shape
Not you, not anyone
A perversion of what you think others want
Never quite what you want to be
You're going to get tricked and betrayed
Hurt and abused
You'll end up feeling so hopelessly alone
You're going to want to give up so many times
Before you finally see what you've been missing
You're going to find the person inside you
That you will love with all your heart
A person you will proudly show on your outside
every day, without reservation
You will embrace what you love
Your interests, your passions
And find the people that accept them
That accept you
It's going to take a lot of pain
A lot of loss, a lot of heartbreak
But one day, you will know acceptance
You will know belonging
You will hear your voice and love it
You will see the real you in the mirror
And finally be able to say
without reservation or doubt
Free compliments!
Right here, just go ahead and take one
No need to be shy, they're completely free
You're pretty
You're smart
You're handsome
You're doing a great job
See, it's easy to compliment someone
Find something you like about them
Even if it's something small, there's something there
We all need more compliments
You see, there are so many people out there
that don't know how to take a compliment
because they've never been given one
or they received the same ones over and over again
and don't believe there's anything more to them
So please, take a compliment
Let it build you up
and when you're finished with it
Be sure to pass it on