The Poet Sky


We don't belong here They don't want us They won't accept us Even though it's all we know

We can keep trying Changing ourselves to fit in But when I do that I suffocate

I want to be me So I'm going to find a place Where I belong Even if I have to make it myself

I'd like it if you were there too The outcasts, the misfits We have our own place somewhere And we'll get there

One day

#Poetry #TouchTheClouds #Trans #Autism #AcceptingOthers


Sometimes my brain is confusion and chaos A balloon of noise about to go POP

I need to ease the pressure I know how I just need to let it all out

Please be patient Please be kind I'm dumping out my brain with you because I trust you

Because I need to let it all out

#Poetry #Autism #MyBeautifulSky


My head is a mess Full of thoughts I can't convey Words images Half incomplete sentences All running together like paint To form a blurred idea

But my thoughts are IMPORTANT

Just like me

So I need you To be patient And wait while I make sense of the beautiful chaos That is me

#Poetry #Autism #MyBeautifulSky


My pain is not funny I am not a toy for your amusement

You can say over and over again that it's only a joke

But I am not laughing

I'm crying SCREAMING and that is not funny

Please stop taking my things Please stop moving them Please stay out of my personal space Please leave me alone

Those are boundaries and ignoring them might make you laugh but it tears me apart

Please respect my boundaries Please stop actively causing me pain Because my pain hurts And it is not funny

#Poetry #Autism #MyBeautifulSky


We can hear them laughing For me, it was a lifetime ago For you, it's happening right now


It’s the cool kid table You know the one I mean It’s the one with the people that just fit in naturally


I was so excited to see you that I jumped for joy and squealed But when I ran to greet you You backed away in fear


I wanted to show how much I care So I sat and listened to you talk But I didn't respond or react So you thought I wasn't paying attention


You’re not like them Maybe you act a bit different Or you don’t look like everyone else Or they don’t understand you when you talk


I used to think there was something wrong with me I couldn't connect, couldn't understand What are they talking about?