The Poet Sky


I know you can't hear me But I want to tell you What lies ahead For us

People won't understand you They'll label you as troublesome They'll keep telling you to try harder They'll make you angry because they think it's funny

They'll cast you out And drift away And you will feel like there's nowhere that you can belong

You'll twist yourself into a bizarre shape Not you, not anyone A perversion of what you think others want Never quite what you want to be

You're going to get tricked and betrayed Hurt and abused You'll end up feeling so hopelessly alone You're going to want to give up so many times Before you finally see what you've been missing

You're going to find the person inside you That you will love with all your heart A person you will proudly show on your outside every day, without reservation

You will embrace what you love Your interests, your passions And find the people that accept them That accept you

It's going to take a lot of pain A lot of loss, a lot of heartbreak But one day, you will know acceptance You will know belonging

You will hear your voice and love it You will see the real you in the mirror And finally be able to say without reservation or doubt

I love you My Beautiful Sky

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SkysPicks #Belonging #BeingDifferent #Kindness #Loneliness


All my life over and over people have told me that I'm not important

They ignored what I had to say Stayed ignorant of my feelings Refused to understand me Scolded me for talking about my problems

It wasn't everyone but it was enough people to make me feel like I didn't matter

It's so much easier to hold it all inside rather than facing that rejection from the ones I love

But I must remember that the people that love me...

Want me to share the things I love care about how I'm feeling work hard to understand me try to help with my problems

They care about me They love me And to them

I am important

#Poetry #SelfLove #Depression #MentalHealth #Loneliness #Insecurity #Kindness


Not long ago You were always alone And no matter how you tried Nothing seemed to change that


You’ve been places where you weren’t appreciated but you stayed anyway because you had nowhere else


Cast aside again and again and again and every single time you felt like nothing


When you’ve been hurt it’s hard to recover and easy to push others away as you seek safe shelter


On the outside staring through glass calling, to no avail feeling like you’re second class


I was so excited to see you that I jumped for joy and squealed But when I ran to greet you You backed away in fear


How many times have I repeated the same words to an empty room to feel like someone’s listening?


Deep down inside is a world I don’t show full of darkness without light to cast a shadow