The Poet Sky


Some people have their act together easily handling everything Life throws at them

But you don't know what's going on behind the curtains inside their minds

They might be giving it their best guess struggling to keep it together for everyone else's sake

It's hard to not compare yourself to other people But do try to remember

that everyone's human no one's perfect and we're all just giving life

Our best guess

#Poetry #LifeAdvice #Life #Insecurity


When someone you love is sad there's only so much you can do to make them smile again

When someone you love is scared there's only so much you can do to chase away the demons

When somone you love is struggling there's only so much you can do to help them move forward

It's hard to accept your limits especially when it comes to helping a loved one You may not be able to fix it at all but what you can do every time

Be there Keep loving them Listen to their needs And eventually

That will be enough

#Poetry #Life #LifeAdvice


When you plan for the worst You keep yourself safe but you risk closing yourself off from the best

There is so much to life and exploring it puts you at risk It's easy to get jaded and close yourself off

But when you live in the dark seeing danger everywhere you will never get to see the beauty in life

Expecting the worst might keep you alive But when you expect the best That's when you get to live

#Poetry #LifeAdvice #Anxiety


Life happens fast It hits hard, crushes us So sometimes you've gotta take a step back

This memo That message Those bills Do they need to be dealt with now? Or will they still be there?

It doesn't feel like it The constant pressure yells “DO IT NOW!” “THIS IS IMPORTANT!”

But you know what?

You are important So if you need a break Take one Because all of that life

It can wait

#Poetry #Life #SelfCare #LifeAdvice #YouAreImportant #Stress


When you make a choice some people may disagree others may not understand even the people you love


Sometimes you have to walk through miles of darkness before you reach the light


I close my eyes and feel the soft breeze right in this moment I’m at peace


Life is full of possibilities So many paths to take With each path, is another decision That you will have to make


You didn’t get much done today Nothing big, but that’s okay You did a bunch of small things and that itself is no small thing


I can’t be happy today it hurts too much to try but on days like today it’s okay to let yourself cry