Given Up on Me

(Told from the perspective of Princess from Girl in Red)

I used to be weak and small All I ever did was fall I wanted a fairy tale Even though I always fail I think I can do it

It was hard at first I must've been the worst But I made friends who showed me I had the strength inside me I could be strong

They hadn't given up on me

Day by day, I got stronger A victim no longer I could smile and help others My friends, like sisters and brothers I was always there for them

But a monster crept inside Divided us with her lies Everyone could see it, but I was blind So I left them behind I turned my back on them

But I haven't given up on them

All alone, I can't find my way I listened to lies and hate A better world I sought But with my friends I fought I don't blame them for leaving me

When finally I'd woken up I realized that inside I was broken up I did what I could to make it right I tried so hard to stop the fight But too little too late

My friends had given up on me

I found comfort with so few I found myself unable to Understand why anyone should care Why anyone would dare Get too close to me

I thought someone might try But it was all another lie Betrayed by my last friend... No. Wrong again. I still have a few friends

They haven't all given up on me

I broke out of my trance And gave him another chance I showed him a better way I saw him change day by day He wants to change too

I set him free He sided with me Against his family Against society Now he's dead because of me

But my friends haven't given up on me

It's hard to see the light Struggling to do what's right But I'm not a traitor anymore I'm going to help stop this war I can keep moving forward

I'm going to get stronger Crying no longer Because now I know I don't have to go it alone Sometimes, even the best need help

I haven't given up on me

#Poetry #GirlInRed #Life #Regret #Determination #MovingOn

© 2023 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA