The Poet Sky


(Told from the perspective of the cast of Girl in Red)

(Princess) Happy Christmas everyone It's been a long time coming We're all together at last It's almost a little numbing


(Told from the perspective of Firecracker from Girl in Red)

I knew I could beat her Strong and confident, that's me But there's a big difference Between bravery and stupidity

“Think before you act” Empty words repeated “Control your temper, young lady” I don't care, a fire has to stay heated


(Told from the perspective of Cohort from Girl in Red)

If your friends are like mine Which can be a hassle at times When everyone asks “what do we do?” They're all going to look at you If you're like me, you'll think of something Though at first, I felt like such a dumb thing Now when they say we can't, I say we can Because I've got a plan


(Told from the perspective of Skyeyes from Girl in Red)

You didn't know what was best You pushed me around like the rest Deceptive, condescending The secrets unending Determined to run my life Then leave me to deal with the strife Until everything fell apart I fell, weighed down by a broken heart When I thought everything was lost to me You held out your arms and caught me


(Told from the perspective of Princess from Girl in Red)

I used to be weak and small All I ever did was fall I wanted a fairy tale Even though I always fail I think I can do it


(Told from the perspectives of Toad and Moon from Girl in Red)

(Toad) I never knew how to be strong I always thought there was something wrong with me, but she made me see And now the only person who believed in me is gone

(Moon) I believe in you too I only wish I knew what to do I'm always too confused To be of any use But I'll try to be here for you


(Told from the perspective of Brain from Girl in Red)

I used to believe in you You always knew what to do When the world was black as the night You held out your hand and said it's alright You said “I'm always here for you”