I Know I Can Fly

(Told from the perspective of Skyeyes from Girl in Red)

You didn't know what was best You pushed me around like the rest Deceptive, condescending The secrets unending Determined to run my life Then leave me to deal with the strife Until everything fell apart I fell, weighed down by a broken heart When I thought everything was lost to me You held out your arms and caught me

You told me that I could fly All I had to do was try With your guidance I made it through All that time looking up to you No one else understood me But you brought out the best in me

Everything got harder but you pushed me farther You kept me on the right path even when I was stabbed in the back Then you left and I had to make do But I still didn't need to live without you

I was in trouble Nowhere to go Out of options, but not alone When darkness fell You stood tall You smiled at me, then you were gone It's been an honor to be your friend You said to me at the end

I can't see the path, I'm lost By the storm and winds, I'm tossed I asked what I should do I wondered what you would do Mistake after mistake It was too much to take Then I almost died and imagined you at my side I knew then just what you'd say Help them out; show them the way

Step by step, I'm on my way Moving forward every day I'll keep an eye on those who need me Using the strength that you taught me I'll make you proud I've got to try Because of you I know I can fly

#Poetry #GirlInRed #GrowingUp #Loss

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