The Poet Sky


I am hurting Even if you can't understand why Just let me be sad That's all I need from you To let me feel How I'm going to feel

Don't tell me about how other people have it worse than me Don't lecture me about being proper or using my manners I have these feelings Let me feel them

Let me cry

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SettingBoundaries


I have boundaries They are designed To keep me safe

I've learned them Through trial and error From times I've been hurt And had to heal To stay safe

If you cross one Without knowing I will forgive you Even if I need to take space To stay safe

If you ignore them Criticize me for them or shame me for them Then I will need a new one I will need to stay away from you To keep me safe

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare #NoToxicity


My thoughts and feelings are valid and important I choose to express them to you

But you didn't ask about me or how I felt You discarded my words They meant nothing to you

So I'm finished I won't let you back in to my mind or my heart

If you won't listen to me Then I won't talk to you

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #Listening #SettingBoundaries #SelfCare


I know what you did I know why you did it I've heard your side I've listened to what you felt And I understand

That doesn't mean it didn't hurt I'm okay with it it was right

It will take time to accept to heal to forgive

Now it's your turn to listen to know to understand

This is what's best for me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #NoToxicity #Healing #SettingBoundaries