The Poet Sky


I was a broken toy Cast aside by so many people Whenever they'd pick me up, I'd smile and hope they'd accept me But they never did

Over time, I learned that I was no good to anyone No one wanted me I could only look forward to being thrown away

Then one day, you came along Picked me up and looked me over And said, “She's not broken, She just needs a little love.”

You took me home You cared for me and loved me And showed me that I wasn't broken That all those other people were wrong I did just need a little love

It might be a long time before I really believe it but we've got plenty of time So thank you for giving me A little love

#Poetry #Love #Kindness #AcceptingOthers


When we met it was all so new But where I saw fear You saw hope

You said it'd be okay that no matter what, I was loved And I was glad

I have new friends Because you told me it was okay to accept them To let them help me

I got to know you I came to love you And for a time I got to have a best friend again

Now you're gone forever And all I've got left are my memories of you And the hope you gave me

I'll never forget you I'll use the lessons you taught me In your brief time in this world to help others like you

And in the end even though I cry every day I'm GLAD I met you and I wouldn't change it for the world

#Poetry #Loss #Love


You made an image and gave it my name You tried to capture me but it wasn't quite right

When you learned this you got angry “Why isn't she like this?” You asked yourself And you took it out on me

You never loved me You loved an image of me That you made up

That's not my fault

I'm kind and snarky Loving and anxious Flirty and cuddly And so much more That you will never know Unless you get to know me instead of that image In your head

Know all of me Accept all of me Love all of me

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Love #AcceptingOthers


I didn't understand at first I thought you were controlling That you worried too much That you didn't care

But now I see it You tried to guide me You were worried Because you did care

Now here we are After countless shouting matches After so many times I stormed off And none of that matters now

you worry you try to do everything you never stopped loving me you accept me as your daughter you always make sure I'm eating you always check in on me you care

That's why I love you That's why I'm proud to be your daughter That's why I'm proud to call you


#Poetry #Family #Love


Free compliments! Right here, just go ahead and take one No need to be shy, they're completely free

You're pretty You're smart You're handsome You're doing a great job

See, it's easy to compliment someone Find something you like about them Even if it's something small, there's something there We all need more compliments

You see, there are so many people out there that don't know how to take a compliment because they've never been given one or they received the same ones over and over again and don't believe there's anything more to them

So please, take a compliment Let it build you up and when you're finished with it Be sure to pass it on

#Poetry #Love #Kindness


How to listen How to support How to accept How to understand How to heal How to learn How to love

What I learned from my family

Who has listened Who has supported Who has accepted Who has understood Who has healed Who has learned Who has loved

For you I will always Be thankful

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Family #Love


You can tell me that who and what I am is wrong but I won't let it get to me

You can ignore my feelings while rambling on without end but I will still try to listen

You can refuse to consider what I or anyone else wants but I will still ask what you want

No matter how you yell No matter how you argue No matter how you hurt me

I will remember

You're learning You're growing You've got a good heart You will always be my baby boy

And I will never stop loving you

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #Family #Love #Parenting


They can make you laugh They can make you cry But you never know which one They're going to do next

Maybe you'll be happy Smiling and laughing together The world full of bright color

Maybe you'll be sad Heartbroken and numb The world cold and empty

You don't know which one There's no way to know what happens next You just have to jump And hope for the best

I guess that's why they call it “Falling in love”

#Poetry #Love #Romantic


This family taught me how to love with my whole heart without exception or condition without ending or faltering

This family taught me how to accept those who are the same those who are different those who I can't even understand

This family has always been here for me no matter the circumstances no matter my mistakes or faults no matter how I change and grow

This family will be a part of me forever until the end of my life until the end of time until everything fades away

I love This Family I accept This Family I will be there for This Family I will be a part of This Family


#Poetry #Family #Love


When I was sick You'd whisk me away To adventures with your friends And make it a good day

There were lessons to learn There was wisdom to teach A world of simple joy All within my reach

We bounced and trounced We worried and pondered We celebrated and whooped We gazed and we wandered

I'll never forget those times No, I wouldn't dare All the adventures in your woods Me and you, you silly old bear

#Poetry #Childhood #Joy #Love