Looking out the Window

Looking out the window There's life, moving, whirling about A never ending motion Like a kaleidoscope always turning Changing the world in small ways People come, people go Nothing stays the same for long Not even a microsecond Something is always different One moment to the next Bringing infinite possibilities Fear could be lurking around the corner But so could happiness, peace, or love That's what it means to hope To see the next corner, or down a long corridor And believe that the best is waiting There's no way to know for sure It takes courage to go forward To take the next step towards a brighter future To move the kaleidoscope along with everyone else Changing it for yourself, or your friends Only together can we make it brighter than yesterday Even when it turns dark, together we can keep going It won't stay that way forever True, it might get worse When it is, we must be honest about it We must look at it with the wisdom and strength to know that things have turned bad For only when we accept the disease Can we find the cure

#Poetry #Hope #Love #Community #Unity #Justice #StreamOfConsciousness

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