You Have Changed

I've watched you weep for burned bridges Long for times now long gone I've seen you cringe under accusing eyes Clinging to the past, unable to let go

It's easy to sit among the past times To talk to ghosts and memories Wishing for another chance at it To go back and get it right

But you can never change the past It's written in stone I know these words won't reach you today but maybe tomorrow, they will

When you look back at the pain you caused Still stuck inside those moments long ago You feel them again and again As if they were all happening right now

But they aren't happening now They already happened long ago When you try to remember them differently It only tells me one thing

You have changed You understand the right thing to do So what happens next is your choice And you've learned enough to make the right one

#Poetry #Life #MovingOn #DualPoem

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