You Don’t Know You Like I Do

You ran and tripped and fell down And you can’t get up off the ground You’re always so full of regret So many things just make you so upset All those thoughts don’t make you bad Dry your tears, please don’t be sad Lean on me when you’re tired from the fight And always remember that it’s you that I like

The way you laugh, the way you smile It’s all you, it’s your own style Always be yourself, outside and in It’s your journey, you choose the direction Don’t be afraid, don’t be blue You just don’t know you like I do

You’re more beautiful than gold So don’t be afraid to be a little bold Walk tall, carry yourself with pride I’d hate for you to think you have to hide It’s okay to make one or two mistakes I’d rather you stumble than try to be fake I’m always right here to help you fight Because you’re the best, it’s you I like

Your nose, your face, or how you do your hair The look in your eyes, so kind, so fair It’s all you, and that’s my favorite part Walk your path, don’t be scared to start Those times when it’s hard to see the best in you? Well, you just don’t know you like I do

I wish you could know you like I do

#Poetry #Friendship #Kindness #SelfLove

© 2024 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA