One Year Old

One Year Ago

I found myself at my lowest point Barely keeping my head above water My brain screaming to give up But I held my head up long enough to take out my tools and fix it

One Year Ago

My old self dissolved away Turned to ashes as I prepared to be born again, to be renewed growing, changing, becoming more

One Year Past

A year of loss, a year of learning Undergoing metamorphosis to become me Trying, failing, succeeding I know it’s hard, but I can do this

One Year Past

I’ve emerged from my cocoon Spread my beautiful wings Took off into the morning sun I have become the sky

One Year Old

I was reduced to nothing died, and was reborn Now I can be who I’m meant to be Now I can live my true life

My New Life My True Life One Year Old

#Poetry #Depression #Healing #Hope #MentalHealth

© 2024 Sky Starlight CC BY-NC-SA