My Baby Boy

From the moment I held you I loved you with all my heart I promised that I'd do my best Even though I was so lost

Days turned into years You changed so fast The little boy I knew Has grown into a young man

We may argue and yell We so rarely agree But that will never change how much I love you

I see the best and worst of you Holding you always in my heart No matter how you change I'll always love you, my baby boy

Now you're leaving me Seeking a life you can't have here It breaks my heart to see you go But I know deep down, this is for the best

Thinking of what's best for you Even when it doesn't include me Rips out my heart But that's what it means to be a parent

I'll always be there for you I promise that now and forever I know this won't be goodbye Just the start of a new chapter

I hope this journey helps you grow I hope you find what you're looking for Know that I'll be here waiting for you And loving you always, my baby boy

#Poetry #Family #Love #Parenting #SkysPicks

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