The Poet Sky


When we met it was all so new But where I saw fear You saw hope

You said it'd be okay that no matter what, I was loved And I was glad

I have new friends Because you told me it was okay to accept them To let them help me

I got to know you I came to love you And for a time I got to have a best friend again

Now you're gone forever And all I've got left are my memories of you And the hope you gave me

I'll never forget you I'll use the lessons you taught me In your brief time in this world to help others like you

And in the end even though I cry every day I'm GLAD I met you and I wouldn't change it for the world

#Poetry #Loss #Love


When I was asked to care for you I didn't think I'd be able to I had a lot going on But I still couldn't say no

You were excited or sleeping There was no in between Even when your energy was too much I still couldn't say no

For the innumerable times when you were there Exactly when I needed a friend Cuddling me when I was sad or sick I'm so glad I said yes

Even though you're gone And there's a hole in my life I look back on our time with love and joy Forever grateful that I said yes

Happy Jai The Happiest Puppers

#Poetry #Loss #InRemembrance #JaiPoem #Love #SkysPicks


(Told from the perspective of Skyeyes from Girl in Red)

You didn't know what was best You pushed me around like the rest Deceptive, condescending The secrets unending Determined to run my life Then leave me to deal with the strife Until everything fell apart I fell, weighed down by a broken heart When I thought everything was lost to me You held out your arms and caught me


(Told from the perspective of Brain from Girl in Red)

I used to believe in you You always knew what to do When the world was black as the night You held out your hand and said it's alright You said “I'm always here for you”