The Poet Sky


When I was asked to care for you I didn't think I'd be able to I had a lot going on But I still couldn't say no

You were excited or sleeping There was no in between Even when your energy was too much I still couldn't say no

For the innumerable times when you were there Exactly when I needed a friend Cuddling me when I was sad or sick I'm so glad I said yes

Even though you're gone And there's a hole in my life I look back on our time with love and joy Forever grateful that I said yes

Happy Jai The Happiest Puppers

#Poetry #Loss #InRemembrance #JaiPoem #Love #SkysPicks


A flame went out A guiding light to millions One that had burned where few like it had burned before


(For Mardy)

You held the torch aloft Showing people to the other end Guiding them through the tunnel Over every hill and every bend


Thrown off a shooting star, I drifted through space I watched stars pass by, but none offered me their light Then I found your star with its pale glow I basked in its light, and offered what I could of my own


(For My Uncle Tommy)

You closed your eyes and spread your wings But you didn't fly away I know why; you were afraid