I Can Still See Your Sunshine
Walking everywhere with a rain cloud overhead Struggling everyday just to get out of bed
Walking everywhere with a rain cloud overhead Struggling everyday just to get out of bed
Some days I sink down Pulled down by dark thoughts Suffocating, drowning in a pit of black tar
Injury invisible to others hindering your ability to be who you were
(For Denali)
After every sigh, between every kiss I want you to always remember this The love in my eyes is all for you It’s real and it’s honest and it’s true
It’s hard to begin a journey when you don’t know how it ends you don’t know if it’s possible it could all be a waste of time
After a day filled with people some bad, some lovely it’s nice to get some time to only worry about me
They shoved you to the ground Joining the voices in your head always mocking and jeering saying “You can’t do this”
Soon, my love, soon we’ll be together again you’ll be in my arms and I’ll hold you tight
When we started it felt hopeless but we kept moving forward and tried our best
Whether we’re close by or far apart At the end of a journey or just the start I want you to know this cos it’s true I’ll always be thinking of you