There’s More to Your Voice
People have always wanted you to be exactly one certain way They didn’t want you to change day after day after day
People have always wanted you to be exactly one certain way They didn’t want you to change day after day after day
(For Helana)
With you, the world is less dark Less troubling, less dreary Your smile brings out the sun And ends a journey so weary
This label I was handed left me alone and stranded because it doesn’t fit the real me this isn’t what I want to be
(For Lex and Rowan, my lovely beans)
My world exploded leaving me empty inside But you were there for me Always by my side
When you were young you were handed a sign and they told you to hold it That it was who you were
(For Denali)
You make me feel happy every moment with you is full of so much joy and wonder that I never knew
You think there’s so much wrong with you That no one could possibly accept the real you So you bury it all deep down below Where no one will ever be able to go But despite everything “wrong”, you can still sparkle Because you see, all of this is completely normal
When I started on this journey it was tough and it was scary Venturing into the unknown Suddenly left stranded and alone But we trudged on together We made mistakes, we learned to be better No matter what happens or what you do I’m still so proud of you
Your future was bright and shining Your smiles big and beaming But then you messed up and now there’s a voice That keeps yelling and screaming
I never understood though people always told me I should automatically know how love works Don’t be different, hide my quirks That’s what they all told me And if I did that, then maybe I would receive the ultimate goal Someone would come along and complete my soul But now I see that they were wrong There’s more than one way to sing that song