Stand Tall Together

I'm scared of what will come But united we can overcome

Each test, each war, each trial So let's sit down and listen a while

We've got to reach over and extend a hand Offer a chance to work together and take a stand

We can't let our differences tear us apart We can work together, and here's where we start

There's no need to shout and scream Let's turn this nightmare into a dream

It's no one's fault, don't think that way If we don't see the problem, it won't go away

This beautiful land is yours and mine This wondrous ball of joy and life

United we stand, divided we fall So let's work together, one and all

If it were easy, we would've done it long ago Let's finally start saying yes instead of no

We can stand tall together We're in this now and forever

You're different from me But we don't have to agree

Let's pledge to let peace and kindness rise Greed and deception will be our demise

So let's stand arm in arm Protect each other from harm

We're in this now and forever We stand tall together

#Poetry #Unity #Earth #Friendship

The Story Behind Stand Tall Together

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