It's Gonna Be Okay
It's hard to think about tomorrow When we're so busy surviving today But no matter how bad things get It's gonna be okay
It's hard to think about tomorrow When we're so busy surviving today But no matter how bad things get It's gonna be okay
We haven't always gotten along There were times I shouted and screamed Times that I left you disappointed Or when I said things I didn't mean
I wanted to show how much I care So I sat and listened to you talk But I didn't respond or react So you thought I wasn't paying attention
We stand on a foundation Built of millions of voices Held together by trust in one another
How you feel is true Those emotions are you They have their uses You don't need excuses
It's been a long journey and though we don't know where it ends We're almost there I can feel it
You're six feet away I can't reach for you I can't take your hand You can't tell me it's alright
We all wear different faces as we pass through life A different face for every occasion For different people at a time
Faceless soldiers march to the ticking of the clock
Tramping through the marshes of time Never stopping, never slowing
What will you do when they reach you?
The world is full of ups and downs Sideways turns that throw you off balance The road you thought you knew turns unfamiliar Suddenly you're on your own Alone in the unknown, it's up to you to find the light