The Poet Sky


Your hand in mine brings me comfort Even though I can't feel it

Your smile brightens my day Even though no one else can see it

You're my piece of home that I can take anywhere

You're not really there But you're real enough to me

#Poetry #Friendship #Love #DualPoem


I thought I felt your hand in mine, but it was only sand, falling through my fingers

You were such a beautiful dream that I woke up in tears I cried harder when I realized it was over, that it wasn't real

Even though I see your face everywhere, and can't get your voice out of my head

You were never real I was only dreaming

#Poetry #DualPoem #Friendship #Love #Loneliness


I stand in a forest, a million paths in front of me Each one a different choice, a different person I could be

I've taken roads I thought were bright But those only brought another plight

Some paths were dark and full of fear, But in the end, they brought me here


We lay back and unwind Both saying what's really on our minds

We look back on the days long ago The days of laughter and the days of woe

We can laugh about it now It's hard to think how


(“Hikari” is Japanese for “light”)

Oh, my sad friend I can see the dark in your eyes It's closing in again, isn't it? Cutting off the sun and blackening the skies.


(“Yami” is Japanese for “darkness”)

Swirling darkness all around It's all I hear, the only sound