Look Forward to Better Days
Even when in darkness it’s always possible to say “It’s gonna be alright” and look forward to better days
Poetry for people who could use a little kindness
Even when in darkness it’s always possible to say “It’s gonna be alright” and look forward to better days
What creatures exist here in this world so small I lie down in the grass to exist among them
Sometimes you have to walk through miles of darkness before you reach the light
You can live your whole life without making it into a single history book And that's okay
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Mistakes are inevitable You can’t avoid or escape them They are the foundation of your growth You are a flower, they are your stem
(For Lex)
Soft and gentle And oh so beautiful And I get to love you forever
Your mind makes perfect sense Wonderfully neurodivergent I could listen to you forever
I think about you all the time And now I get to call you mine I want to be with you forever
This love for you I feel It's strong and it's real This love is forever
I wish you could feel about yourself the way I feel about you You’d always smile, because you’d see the joy you spread all around
(For My Darling Lex)
People called you ugly I don't understand why You're a beautiful, shining rainbow lighting up my sky